Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The problem with Hollywood

Hollywood sure has an easy time finding brown and black people to play terrorists, thugs, drug dealers, gangsters, servants, “barbarians”, hypersexualized or desexualized caricatures but all of a sudden you need a lead role and *tumbleweed* suddenly none can be found. This is even the case when a role specifically call for a person of colour and instead they are whitewashed and a white actor is given the role. 

I wrote a whole essay on the history and consequences of 'Whitewashing' or 'racebending' for my Film Studies A level  (for my american readers, A levels is pretty much senior year of highschool) which feels like forever ago. Anyways, it's pretty detailed and i got a sweet mark for it so give it a read if you're interested.


*note: some films mentioned in this article has been updated to make it more contemporary 

In conclusion, lets be clear. THEY give us the roles that make THEM comfortable.

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